

Jesus Christ is the Head of His church which includes this local church.  Pastor-Elders in a local church are the biblical offices spoken of when referring to church leadership.  Pastor-Elders lead this church in submission to Him and each other.


Redemption Valley church is not a democracy but led by men appointed and recognized with the gift of and grace for leadership. (Eph. 4:1-3Heb. 13:7, 17).

Scripture uses three words interchangeably to refer to function of one and the same person:

  1. “Presbuteros” – Elder (executes God’s justice and government and administrates the affairs of the church.
  2. “Episcopos” – Overseer or bishop (oversees, a guardian, gatekeeper or watchman).
  3. “Poimain” – Shepherd or pastor (shepherd the flock, nurture and care for the flock, feed the flock).

(See Acts 20:17, 28Titus 1:5,71 Peter 2:25, 5:1-2)

Elders oversee every aspect of church life, are mutually accountable and are led by a visionary or lead elder.  We place a high value on the team dynamics of our leadership.

As a church plant we are under an advisory group until we appoint the elders necessary to spiritually lead this church.


This is the only other office mentioned in the scriptures in the local church.  The Greek word for deacon is “diakonis” and means “servant, and who ministers alongside, ‘helper.”’  This does not mean that our deacons are servants and do menial jobs.  Everyone in the church should have a servant heart.  What it does mean though, is that the deacons come alongside the elders, assisting them in the pastoring of the church, releasing the pastors and elders “to prayer and ministry of the Word.” (Acts 6:1-8)  Our deacons, together with and under the oversight of elders, exercise oversight in home groups and other care groups.


Redemption practices congregational government. The congregation decides together on the important issues that affect the future of the church. The congregation affirms the appointing of elders. As an eldership team we hold a value of plurality and consensus on decisions of doctrine, direction and discipline. We also believe that every team has a leader, with Jim Kimbriel taking the role of lead pastor, but this is done as a ‘first among equals’ rather than as a senior pastor with associate pastors.

Our primary accountability and counsel comes through our relationship with the other churches of the Rocky Mountain District of the Evangelical Free Church of America.  In close relationship with these like-minded churches and their leaders we seek guidance, wisdom that provides the necessary stability, strength and accountability intrinsic to a healthy local church.

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